My love for tea | MayaTea


Va aratam acum cateva zile pe Facebook si Instagram o fotografie cu ultimele bunatati pe care le-am luat de la Maya Tea, iar acum m-am gandit sa va povestesc mai multe despre ele. 

In primul rand am descoperit Maya Tea acum ceva timp si datorita aromelor care sunau atat de bine am decis sa imi iau si eu cateva tipuri de ceai. Daca tot am luat ceai, am zis sa iau si infuzor, iar daca te tot uiti pe site, iti garantez ca ai sa tot vrei cate ceva, mai ales daca esti iubitor de ceai. La prima comanda mi-am luat doua ceaiuri care nu numai ca miroseau fantastic, dar aveai si un gust grozav, Trufe de Ciocolata si Chocostatic (da, ciocolata, stiu!). Va spun sincer ca au devenit ceaiurile mele preferate, mai ales acum, iarna.
I showed you on Facebook and Instagram, a few days ago, a picture with what I recently got from Maya Tea, and now I thought I should tell you a bit more about them. 

First of all I discovered Maya Tea a little while ago and because of the amazing sound of the falvours I decided to buy myself  a few. And of course, if I bought tea, I had to buy an infuser too, and if you keep wandering on the website you might end up wanting more and more, mostly if you are a tea lover. At my first order I bought two types of tea, that smelled amazing and also had an incredible taste. Chocolate Truffles and Chocostatic (yes, chocolate, I know!). Honestly, they have become my favourites this winter.
La a doua comanda, am trecut la nivelul urmator. Maya Tea nu are doar ceai, ci si ciocolata calda si cafea, asa ca am decis sa incerc ciocolata calda cu cafea, pentru mine a fost perfecta, nu a trebuit sa adaug zahar, iar aroma delicioasa. De asemenea, curiozitatea spre arome si pasiunea pentru Rooibos (daca nu stiati ador Rooibos) mi-am luat Dulce de Leche, un ceai interesant, cu o usoara aroma de alune prajite, o oarecare dulceata, e greu de descris, mai bine il incercati. Am mai incercat cateva ceaiuri, iar unul care mi-a placut extrem de mult a fost ceaiul relaxant Equilibrum. Are o aroma interesanta si placuta, iar combinatia de plante aleasa iti da o stare de bine. Pentru mine a fost un bun aliat cand lucram la proiecte.
For my second order, I went to the next level. Maya Tea, doesn't have only tea, they also have coffee and hot chocolate, and I tryed the hot chocolate with coffee and that one is awesome, you don't need to add sugar, and the flavour is great. Also my curiosity and love for Rooibos (if you didn't know, I love Rooibos) i bought Dulce de Leche, a tea that has a very interesting falvour, with notes of roasted nuts, some sweetness, it is hard to describe, you better try it.  I also tried a few more and i really liked the relaxing tea, Equilibrum. The taste is really nice and the combination of herbs is really calming. It was really nice for me while I was working on my projects.

Accesorii pentru ceai gasim o gramada, si doar priviti borcanele cat sunt de dragute. Desi imi plac pungutele in care vine ceaiul, prefer totusi sa am aceste borcanele pentru depozitare. Infuzorul e practic, dar si dragut. E destul de bine facut si in general nu prea ies plantele din el, exceptie facand cele maruntite extrem de fin, dar si atunci e prea putin si de depun oricum pe fundul canii.
They have loads of accesories and just look at those little jars. Even though I actually like the packaging of the tea, I would rather have them in these little jars. The infuser is really practical and cute too. It is pretty well made, not a lot of fallout from it, only if you have really fine chopped plants, but even then is barely there and it settles on the bottom of the mug anyway.

Care sunt ceaiurile voastre preferate? Ati cumparat ceva de la Maya Tea pana acum?
Which is your favourite tea?

Maya Tea:


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  1. ce dragute sunt recipientele ♡ cred ca mai mult as comanda pentru ele decat pt ceai :))Nu am auzit de ceaiurile de la Maya, e prima data cand le vad la nu prea ma omor cu ceaiurile in general , sa le beau, ca de cumparat,cumpar nonstop.bine ca amintit de rooibos, chiar o sa imi fac o cana in seara asta. ;) multumim de review andreea.sunt de luat in seama recipientele astea...adica ceaiurile :))) pupici dulci :**

    1. Hihi, mie-mi plac si ceaiurile. dar borcanele sunt adorabile si ele, n-am ce sa spun.
      Te pup! :*

  2. Deci cat de frumoase sunt borcanasele <3


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